Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
"Technology Acceptance for Machine Learning Decision Model in the Health Insurance System", Nanotechnology Perceptions, 21(1)Jun.2023-Jun.2024, (Chitchaiman, P., Piromsopa, K., Chandrachai, A., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Enhancing the Effectiveness of Insurance Risk Management in the Agricultural, Livestock, and Fishery Sectors in Thailand", AgBioForum, 25(1) : 130-139, Jul.2023, (Chaiyawat, T., Mekkriengkrai, S., Phanwichit, S.).
"Systematic Process for Crop Insurance Development: Area-Yield Rice Insurance with Machine Learning Technology Implementation in Thailand", Agricultural Finance Review, 83(3) : 416-436, Jun.2023, (Sethanand, K., Chaiyawat, T., Gowanit, C.).
"A Study of Distinguishing Factors between SME Adopters versus Non-Adopters of Cybersecurity Standard", International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, 13(1) : 671-680, Apr.2023, (Auyporn, W., Piromsopa, K., Chaiyawat, T.).
"The Empirical Analysis on Supply Chain Risk Management with Firm Capability Perspective of Thailand Automotive Industry", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, 10(3) : 1735-1744, Sep.2019, (Jankaweekool, P., Chaiyawat, T., Sinthupinyo, S.).
"Macroprudential Stress Testing For Credit Risk: Empirical Evidence from The Thai Housing Loan", The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance, 21(1) : 61-72, Jun.2017, (Sontha, C., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Literature Review on Evaluation System for Supply Chain Risk Management of Automotive Industry", International Journal of Management and Applied Sciences, 10(3) : 23-27, Oct.2017, (Jankaweekool, P., Chaiyawat, T., Sinthupinyo, S.).
"Delisting Risk Analysis: Empirical Evidence from the Thai Listed Companies", Advances in Economics and Business, 4(8) : 461-467, Aug.2016, (Chaiyawat, T., Samranruen, P.).
"Mobile Claim Adoption in Emerging Insurance Markets", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34 : 110-130, Feb.2016, (Gowanit, C., Thaesaengsakulthai, N., Sophatsathit, P., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Catastrophe Risk Capital Charge: Evidence from the Thai Non-Life Insurance Industry", American Journal of Economics, 5(5) : 488-494, Jan.2015, (Chaiyawat, T., Vinijpitayakul, P.).
"Corporate Governance, Efficiency and Firm Performance in Thai Property-Casualty Insurance Companies", The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance, 18(1) : 70-85, Jun.2014, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Ordinal Classification Method for the Evaluation of Thai Non-Life Insurance Companies", IJCSI - International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 9(1)Jan.2012-Jan.2012, (Jhongpita, P., Sinthupinyo, S., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Using Decision Tree Learner to Classify Solvency Position for Thai Non-Life Insurance Companies", International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, 19(3) : 41-46, Sep.2011-Dec.2011, (Jhongpita, P.,Sinthupinyo, S., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Scenario Analysis in Expressway Management via Modelling Bayesian Networks", International Journal of Computer Applications, 30(11) : 14-20, 2011-2011, (Namwongse, P., Chaiyawat, T., Limpiyakorn, Y.).
"Artificial Neural Network For Underwriting Personal Accident Insurance", Chulalongkorn Review, 79(20) : 51-61, Jun.2008, (Chaiyawat, T., Thitithanakarn, V.).
"Facters Affecting the Demand for Voluntary Automobile Insurance", Journal of Economics and Business, 3(1) : 13-28, Dec.2008, (Chaiyawat, T and Datekong, C).
Editorial-Reviewed Journal Articles
"The study of underwriting profitability for non-life insurance company",Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology (วารสารสถิติประยุกต์และเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ), Sep.2021-May.2022, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Journal of Risk Management and Insurance"Jul.2020
"The Influence of Loss Ratio on Profitability of Non-Life Insurance Firms in Thailand: The Moderating Roles of Firm Type
วารสารการวิจัยเพื่อพัฒนาชุมชน (มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์)"May.2020
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Proceedings
"Evaluating the GARCH Model for Estimating Market Risk Capital Requirements for Insurance Companies in Thailand"International Congress on Economy, Finance, and Business (ICEFB-24)Nov.2023-Jun.2024, (Chaiyawat, T., Guayjarernpanishk, P.).
"Evolution and Revolution of Agricultural Insurance Thailand"Jul.2023, (Chaiyawat, T., Mekkriengkrai, S., Phanwichit, S.).
"Evolutions and Prospect of Agriculture Insurance: Lessons from Thailand", K-ASEAN RMIDec.2022-Dec.2022, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Machine Learning Application on Area Yield Rice Insurance Development Process"K-ASEAN Risk and InsuranceDec.2021-Dec.2021, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Critical Factors in Cybersecurity for SMEs in Technological Innovation Era", ISPIM Connects Bangkok 2020Mar.2020, (Auyporn, W., Piromsopa, K., and Chaiyawat, T.).
"International Model Approach Versus Standardized Approach for Market Risk Capital Requirement: Empirical Evidence from an Insurance Company in Thailand"International Conference Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics and Business Research (ICMABEBR-20), 10 pages, Hiroshima, Japan Feb.2020, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Value-at-Risk of Stock and Cryptocurrency Portfolio Diversification", International Conference in Business and Economics (ICBE), Thailand Mar.2019-Mar.2019, (Nawapong, W., Chansorn, P., Chaiyawat, T., Sattakulpiboon, I.).
"A Comparison of Hedging Strategies and Effectiveness: Evidence from the Thai Gold Futures Market"International Conference on Business and Social Science (ICBASS), Japan Mar.2017, (Chaiyawat, T., Chokchaiseree, P.).
"Macronomic Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Thailand"Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference (APSSC), Japan Nov.2017, (Chaiyawat, T., Suebpong, T.).
"Delisting Risk Analysis: Empirical Evidence from the Thai Listed Companies"ICBASS International Conference on Business and Social Science, Japan Mar.2016, (Chaiyawat, T., Samranruen, P.).
"Evidence from the Thai Agricultural Futures Market"Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference (APSSC), Japan 2016, (Chaiyawat, T., Chuenrattanakul, N.).
"Catastrophe Risk Capital Charge: Evidence from the Thai Non-Life Insurance Industry"BREFM International Business, Economics, Finance and Management Conference (BREFM), Japan Jul.2015, (Chaiyawat, T., Vinitpitayakul, P.).
"Macro-Prudential Stress Testing for Credit Risk: Empirical Evidence from the Thai Housing Loan"The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Tokyo, Japan 2015, (Sontha, C., Chaiyawat, T.).
"Economic Capital for Operational Risk: Evidence from Thai Bank and Insurance Industry"Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association2014, (Chaiyawat, T., Rattanapornchaikul, N., Jamnienprom, T.).
"Corporate Governance, Efficiency and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Thai Property-Casualty Insurance Industry"Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association2012, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"A Financial Early Warning System: A Comparative Analysis of Logistic Regression and Neural Networks for Predicting Banking Insolvency", Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association2011, (Chaiyawat, Y., Kamolratthada, K.).
"Insolvency Risk Prediction Models for the Thai Property and Casualty Insurance Companies"Asia-Pacific Risk And Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk And Insurance Association, China Jul.2009, (Chaiyawat, T).
"Analyzing Competition, Efficiency, and Their Relationship in the Thai Property-Casualty Insurance Industry"Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Australia Jul.2008, (Chaiyawat, T).
"Analyzing Firm Performance in the Thai Property-Liability Insurance Industry"The Journal of Risk Management and Insurance 2006, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Japan;, Japan Jul.2006, (Chaiyawat, T).
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
"Risk Management and Insurance in the 21st Century",3rdEdition,Chulalongkorn Printing,2017, (Chaiyawat, T.).
"Risk Management and Insurance in the 21st Century",2ndEdition,Chulalongkorn Printing,2013, (Chaiyawat, T.).
Competitive Research Awards Received
Professional Practice Standards or Public Policies
Non Peer-Reviewed Journals and Articles
Non Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Published
Non Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
Academic Promotion Materials
Reviews of Peer-Reviewed Journals