Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
"Cloud Accounting Adoption in Thai SMEs Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: an Explanatory Case Study", Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 43Jun.2022, (Sastararuji, D., Hoonsopon, D., Pitchayadol, Chiwamit., P.).
"Regulation and Adaptation of Management Accounting Innovations: the Case of Economic Value Added in Thai State-owned Enterprises", Management Accounting Research, 37 : 30-48, Dec.2017, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Scapens, R.W.).
"The Societal Relevance of Management Accounting Innovations: Economic Value Added and Institutional Work in the Fields of Chinese and Thai State-Owned Enterprises", Accounting and Business Research, 44(2) : 144-180, Feb.2014, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Yang, C.L.).
Editorial-Reviewed Journal Articles
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Proceedings
"Cloud Accounting Adoption in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Integrated Conceptual Framework Five factors of determinant were identified by integrated Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), Institutional Theory (INT) and extended factors"Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (IEIM 2021), 32-38, Barcelona, Spain Jan.2021, (Sastararuji, D., Hoonsopon, D., Pitchayadol, P., Chiwamit, P.).
"Creating Cross-Function Integration between Accounting-Marketing with Socialization"International Conference on Social Science Studies (ICSSS 2018), 312-327, Malaysia Nov.2018, (Chiwamit, P.).
"Adapting Management Accounting Innovations: A Multi-Level Analysis of Economic Value Added in Thai State-Owned Enterprises"The Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Stockholm, Sweden Jul.2015, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Scapens, R.W.).
"Management Accounting Innovation and Practice Variations: A Multi-Level Analysis of Economic Value Added in Thai State-Owned Enterprises"The Ninth Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Brussels, Belgium Dec.2014, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Scapens, R.W.).
"The societal relevance of management accounting innovations: Economic Value Added and institutional work in the fields of Chinese and Thai state-owned enterprises"The Seventh Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, Kobe, Japan 2013, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Yang, C.).
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
"Regulation and adaptation of management accounting innovations: The case of economic value added in Thai state-owned enterprises (funding by CBS)", Oct.2018, (Chiwamit, P., Modell, S., Scapens, R.W.).
Competitive Research Awards Received
Professional Practice Standards or Public Policies
Non Peer-Reviewed Journals and Articles
Non Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Published
Non Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
Academic Promotion Materials
Reviews of Peer-Reviewed Journals