Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
"A Multivariable Normal Tissue Complication Probability Model for Predicting Radiation-Induced Hypothyroidismin Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients in the Modern Radiotherapy Era", Journal of Radiation Research, 65(1) : 119–126, Jan.2024, (Wongwattananard, S., Prayongrat, A., Srimaneekarn, N., Natchalee, Hayter, A., Sophonphan, J., Kiatsupaibul, S., Veerabulyarith, P., Rakvongthai, Y., Ritlumlert, N., Kitpanit, S., Kannarunimit, D., Lertbutsayanukul, C.).
"Computation of Tolerance Ellipses for Bivariate And Trivariate Normal Populations", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92(17) : 3630-3638, Jun.2022, (Liu, W., Bretz, F., Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Single Observation Adaptive Search for Discrete and Continuous Stochastic Optimization", Operations Research Letters, 48(5) : 666-673, Sep.2020, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L., Zabinsky, Z.B.).
"Optimal Collection of Medical Specimens and Delivery to Central Laboratory", Annals of Operations Research, 287(1) : 537-564, Apr.2020, (Zabinsky, Z.B., Dulyakupt, P., Zangeneh-Khamooshi, S., Xiao, C., Zhang, P., Kiatsupaibul, S., Heim, J.A.).
"Efficient Computation of the Stochastic Behavior of Partial Sum Processes", Computational Statistics, 35(1) : 343-358, Jul.2018-Mar.2020, (Saengkyongam, S., Hayter, A., Kiatsupaibul, S., Liu, W.).
"Normal probability plots with confidence for the residuals in linear regression", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 47(2) : 367-379, Feb.2018, (Chantarangsi, W., Liu, W., Brett, F., Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J.).
"Single observation adaptive search for continuous simulation optimization", Operations Research, 66(6) : 1713-1727, Nov.2018, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L., Zabinsky, Z.B.).
"Confidence sets and confidence bands for a beta distribution with applications to credit risk management", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 75 : 98-104, Jul.2017, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J., Somsong, S.).
"Rank constrained distribution and moment computations", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 105 : 229-242, Jan.2017, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J., Liu, W.).
"Win-probabilities for comparing two binary outcomes", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46(1) : 204-214, Jan.2017, (Wiwatwattana, N., Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Q-Q plots with confidence for testing weibull and exponential distributions", Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 45(3) : 887-904, Dec.2016, (Chantarangsi, W., Liu, W., Bretz, F., Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J.).
"Solving infinite horizon optimization problems through analysis of a one-dimensional global optimization problem", Journal of Global Optimization, 66 : 711-727, Dec.2016, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L., Zabinsky, Z.B.).
"Win-probabilities for comparing two Weibull distributions", Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 14(1) : 1-18, Jan.2016, (Hayter, A.J., Yang, P., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Estimating drug shelf-life with unknown lot-to-lot variability", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 44(8) : 2195-2207, Sep.2015, (Srimaneekarn, N., Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A. J., Liu, W.).
"Confidence Intervals for Quantiles of a Two-parameter Exponential Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 44(14) : 3001-3010, Jul.2015, (Balakrishnan, N., Hayter, A. J., Liu, W., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Behavior of extreme dependence between stock markets when regime shifts", Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics, 16(1) : 21-40, May.2015, (Tajvidi, N., Kiatsupaibul, S., Tirapat, S., Panyangam, C.).
"Simultaneous inferences on the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 44(24) : 5136-5145, Dec.2015, (Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S, Napalai, P., Liu, W.).
"Normal probability plots with confidence", Biometrical Journal, 57(1) : 52-63, Jan.2015, (Chantarangsi, W., Liu, W., Bretz, F., Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A., Wan, F.).
"Recursive confidence band construction for an unknown distribution function", Biometrical Journal, 57(1) : 39-51, Jan.2015, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.).
"Exact Inferences for a Gamma Distribution", Journal of Quality Technology, 46(2) : 140-149, Apr.2014, (Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Exact Inferences for a Weibull Model", Quality Engineering, 25(2) : 175-180, Dec.2013, (Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"An Independence Point Method of Confidence Band Construction for Multiple Linear Regression Models", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 41(22) : 4132-4141, Sep.2012, (Hayter, A.J., Kiatsupaibul, S., Liu, W., Wynn, H.P.).
"Dimensional reduction for latent scores modeling using recursive integration", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 6(3) : 501-509, Sep.2012, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J.).
"Portfolio selection with qualitative input", Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(2) : 489-496, Feb.2012, (Chiarawongse A., Kiatsupaibul S., Tirapat S., Van Roy B.).
"Sustainability of a Microfinancial Pension Fund", Chulalongkorn Business Review, 34(134) : 1-28, Oct.2012-Dec.2012, (Tirapat, S., Kongchan, A., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Pattern discrete and mixed Hit-and-Run for global optimization", Journal of Global Optimization, 50(4) : 597-627, Aug.2011, (Mete, H.O, Shen, Y., Zabinsky, Z.B., Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L.).
"An Analysis of a Variation of Hit-and-run Uniform Sampling from General Regions", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 21(3) : 16:1-16:11, Mar.2011, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Zabinsky, Z. B., Smith, R.L.).
"Discrete Hit-and-Run for Sampling Points from Arbitrary Distributions over Subsets of Integer Hyperreactangles", Operations Research, 57(3) : 727-739, May.2009, (Baumert, S., Ghate, A., Kiatsupaibul, S., Shen, Y., Smith, R.L., Zabinsky, Z.B.).
"An Analytically Derived Cooling Schedule for Simulated Annealing", Journal of Global Optimization, 38(3) : 333-365, Jul.2007, (Shen, Y., Kiatsupaibul, S., Zabinsky, Z. B., Smith, R.L.).
Editorial-Reviewed Journal Articles
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Proceedings
"Personalized Chronic Disease Management in Thailand: The Role of Machine Learning and EHRs"The 2024 ISQM, International Symposium of Quality ManagementNov.2024, (Pungpapong, V., Laohavinij, W., Treerungroj, M., Kiatsupaibul, S., et al.).
"A Fairness Parameter Selection Method for Convex Fairness-aware Classification Models"MLMI '23: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence, 40-55, China Oct.2023, (Veerabulyarith, P., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Neural Networks for Generalized Contextual Linear Regression"The 26th Annual Meeting in Mathematics (AMM 2022), School of Mathematics, Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand May.2022, (Kattiyapirak, C., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"A Comparison of Parameter Estimation Performances from High-dimensional Linear Regression Methods"The Thirteen National Conference on Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand Oct.2021, (Butburee, W., Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"A Computational Comparison of Simulation Optimization Methods using Single Observation within a Ball on Noisy Black-box Function with Mixed Integer and Continuous Domain"Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation ConferenceDec.2017, (David D.L., Zabinsky, Z.B., Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L.).
"Improving Hit-and-Run with Single Observations for Continuous Simulation Optimization"2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2015), Huntington Beach, CA, USA Dec.2015, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Smith, R.L.).
"MCMC for a Normal Distribution with Unbounded Cone Support"Stochastic Optimization, Seattle, USA May.2014, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Markov Chain Monte Carlo for a Normal Distribution with an Unbounded Cone Support"The 13 Word Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO 2013), Huangshan XiangMing Hotel, Yellow Mountain, China Jul.2013, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Mending Flaws of An Estimated Variance-covariance Matrix", 307-318, Proceedings of Thailand National Applied Statistics Conference 2006, Bangkok, Thailand Aug.2006, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Improve Waiting Time of a Feedback Queue by Queue Disciplines", 93-104, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Network Conference 2005, Bangkok, Thailand Oct.2005, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Bunchabussabong, S.).
Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
"Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes",Chulalongkorn Press,2021, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Operations Research with Statistical Applications",2018, (Kiatsupaibul, Seksan).
"Simulation",1Edition,Chulalongkorn University Press,Bangkok, Thailand,2012, (Kiatsupaibul, Seksan).
"Development of Predictive Risk Models for Diabetes and Hypertension in Thailand to Evaluate Economic Implications on Thai Health Systems and Health Financing", Jan.2022-Jan.2023
"Tontine as a Hedging Instrument for Retirement Investment", Dec.2021-Nov.2022
"Digital Transformation of Community Saving Fund", Mar.2020-Feb.2021, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Methods for Statistical Models with Ranking Constraints", Jun.2014-Jun.2017, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
"Simultaneous inferences on the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution", 2016, (Kiatsupaibul, S., Hayter, A.J., Napalai , P., Liu, W.).
"Financial Security and Stability through Capital Market", Oct.2010-Sep.2013, (Kiatsupaibul, Seksan., Tirapat, Sunti.).
"Open Source Statistical Software on R", Oct.2010-May.2012, (Kiatsupaibul, Seksan.).
"Sustainability of a Micro-financial Social Security Plan", Nov.2010-Jun.2011, (Tirapat, Sunti., Kiatsupaibul, Seksan.).
"Time Diversification from a Psychological Point of View, Ratchadapiseksomposh for New Researchers", Jul.2006-Jul.2007, (Kiatsupaibul).
"Mending Flaws of an Estimated Variance-covariance Matrix, Ratchadapiseksomposh for New Researchers", Jul.2004-Jul.2005, (Kiatsupaibul, Seksan).
Competitive Research Awards Received
Professional Practice Standards or Public Policies
Non Peer-Reviewed Journals and Articles
Non Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Published
Non Peer-Reviewed Academic/Professional Meeting Presentations
"Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes", 2021, (Kiatsupaibul, S.).
Academic Promotion Materials
Reviews of Peer-Reviewed Journals